Present generation uses their mobiles to shop, book and gaming in websites. They love to get anything from everything in their mobile phones. With mobile banking and mobile customer services most of the business and financial service providers have made the mobile the most challenging platforms to promote business and services. This made most of the businesses and service provides to make their website available on mobiles. As a businessman or service provider there are some important factors to consider about mobile version websites.
Normal website won’t work; get mobile versions
There is no doubt almost all types of mobile phones support internet. Hence, your customers have the tendency to search for your products and services in their mobiles. But your normal websites find it so difficult to get loaded in the mobiles and takes comparatively long time. This makes the customer worried and chances are a lot to think about other better options. Hence make sure that you have developed mobile version of your website to make it readily and easily available on the mobile web. Mobile browsers will promote website designed with simple but superb features. Hence it is your time to get mobile versions for your website.
Know about mobile web
Screen of your Smartphone is nano in size when compared to desktop or laptop screen. On mobiles you have to use to fingers in the place of mouse. Hence smaller text and link will not entertain the mobile user. This is the reason why the website should be completely rebuilt to suit the requirement of mobile web and the users. Your website should have larger test, clearly visible buttons and links to make the website experienced satisfying for the mobile users.
What makes you stop using mobile browser?
Even though mobile web browsing is getting more demand, the problem is that still there are lot of website which are not optimized for mobile web. With normal versions it appears as it is in the mobiles giving a partial look. The customer or user can find small texts, broken links, missing images and more. He or she needs to zoom everything to get a clear look. On the other mobile web optimized website gives clear visions of the website making the browsing easy and fast. Hence make sure that you have mobile version for your website to keep your mobile customers satisfied.
Mobile apps for instant access
Even though mobile versions gives quick access to website through mobile web, present generation expect something more from mobile. This is why mobile apps are so hot and popular on mobiles. Now the saying is that without mobile apps, mobile is just a electronic scrap. Yes, everyone needs mobile apps for their most visited websites. Mobile apps are icon shortcuts that can be easily placed on your homepage of mobile devices. This helps the user to get access to the websites or services without making any searching or typing. It gives straight access to web address.
Information at finger tips
It is all the amazing benefits that made apps to rule mobile web world. Users can get the information right at the finger tips. With just a touch on the mobile app, it serves the users with what he or she really needs. There is no need to save the website link. These are really small icons with professional business face linked to the mobile version websites. Hence, it is so easy to get access to your website without searching and typing the website address. You can directly visit the website without checking for search or title bar in the search engines.
Benefits of mobile apps
It is hard to do business in feature without mobile apps. We can found unexpected and amazing increase the numbers of mobile apps. Thousands of mobile apps introduced to web world every month. Here are some of the important benefits of getting apps for your business.
Benefits to business
- Perfect reinforcement of brand
- Effective loyalty building
- Enhanced visibility
- Increases accessibility
- Easy access to on-the-go consumers
- Quick exposure through mobile devices
- Increase sell-through
Benefits to customers
- Easy reach to products and services
- Quick and effective notification of product launches and special events,
- Access to contact information with a single touch
- Directions to route map to location form wherever the customer is
- Fast and instant appointment scheduling
Do mobile apps give complete experience?
It is better to answer this question with NO. Even though there are several benefits for mobile apps, advertisement placing on apps, storage space for apps, unavailability of apps for website and more can sometimes make the mobile user to think twice before downloading the app.
This is the reason why most of the businessmen develop unique and professional apps exclusively for their business. This makes their app free from any unwanted advertisement and keeps it purely for their business. Once a customer gets satisfied service through mobile apps, then there is no doubt he or she will not look for another option.
So which is best?
So which is best mobile web design of mobile app for you? The answer should come only from you. It is way how you use web on your mobile devices that makes the best option. If you use mobile web rarely then there is no need to download and store the app. But if there are some websites that use regularly, then it is best to get the mobile apps downloaded and stored in the home page for quick access. Now the time is yours to evaluate your mobile web usage to take the decision.
But whatever it is, one thing is sure. Without mobile web or mobile app you can’t hold the future customers with your business.
About The Author:
Adrian is a blogger who work as a web designer and coding expert in UK. He in his free time blog about web design companies at his blog - You may check more about these companies at his blog and how it can help.